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Do Bioethanol Fireplace suites require a hearth?

There's no legal requirement to install a hearth stone for your bioethanol fireplace, unlike a traditional wood-burning or coal stove fireplace. 

Traditional wood- or coal fireplaces get much hotter than bioethanol fireplaces, and there's a much higher risk of burning embers and ashes falling from the body of the fire. This means that traditional fireplaces require hearths made from heat- and fire-resistant materials to minimise the house fire risk. 

Is there a need for a hearth with biofires?

The simple answer is no. Our biofire suites may resemble traditional open fireplaces, but they don't need a hearth. Instead, your room is protected by a 6mm tempered stay-clear safety glass barrier. You get a mantel shelf, the fireplace surround, the steel fireplace insert, a bioethanol fuel box, a safety-glass barrier, and a fire closing tool.

We have two bioethanol fireplace suites - the elegant Holborn, suited to period properties, and the Broadway, which enhances a more modern space.

Broadway without Hearth    Broadway with Hearth      

Broadway without Hearth                             Broadway with Hearth

And while there's no need for a hearth, some of our customers choose to install one. ImaginFires don't supply hearths, however. 

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